The Embassy
Welcome to the official website of the Embassy/Permanent Mission of Nigeria Vienna, Austria. Nigeria established formal diplomatic relations with Austria in 1974. Since then, the cordial relations between Nigeria and Austria continued to wax with greater expansion in the area of international trade and investment promotions.
The Embassy/Permanet Mission of Nigeria Vienna is concurrently accredited to Slovakia and United Nations Organisations and other International Organisations in Austria.
Adresse: Nigerian Embassy/Permanent Mission Vienna Rennweg 25 1030 Vienna
Phone Number: +43 1 712 66 86 (General Enquiry) +43 1 712 66 86 203 (Visa & Consular) +43 1 712 66 86 208 (Information Department)
Fax Number: +43 1 7141402 E-mail:
Opening Hours: The Embassy is open from Monday - Friday, 09:30 - 12:30 Monday to Thursday.
Except Fridays and Public Holidays
The Consular/Visa Section is open from Monday - Thursdays 09:30HRS - 12.30HRS - Submission of Application 13:00HRS -15:00HRS - Collection
NOTE: Public holidays in Nigeria and Austria are observed.